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Monday, August 29, 2011

Testing Offers Call to Action

I have talked about how effective it is to know your click view data. Today I will talk about how you should use your click view data for testing your offers and calls to action.

Knowing if your offers or calls to action has inclined or declined is important. This will tell you if they are compelling to your audience. To do so, just send your offers and call to actions to a portion of your email list and tracking your click through rate.

Four techniques you can use to create and execute your own click through tests.

* Randomly pick 10% of your email list subscribers. Then copy them to a new data base labeling them in a new category.

* Create two versions of your email. Then send one half to one part of the list and one to the other part.

* Waiting anywhere from 48 hours to 72 hours. Check your click through report and see what links were popular. Remember people do not open email's right away, so you have to have patience.

* Taking the most popular elements from your partial email and creating a final email. Send this email to your entire list.

These are just a few ideas to keep in mind so you can create the best email possible.


  1. good info. you have a lot of good info on list and list building, but what auto responder do you use?

  2. Thank you Michael for the comment. I actually use an email marketing program set up by my company. you can see more of it here in tutorials


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