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Monday, February 6, 2012

Asking Nicely

Today, I will talk about how to ask another blogger nicely to link to your blog. If you missed my post talking about the benefits of guest blogging. Do not me alarmed, I will repost it here. The importance of Guest Blogging. These two posts work hand in hand.

You would hate it if your next store neighbor is an annoying mechanic. Meaning, every morning he or she starts there turbo charged super duty king size block engine at 6:00 AM. Well bloggers also hate it when you are a disturbing blogger, too. If you want to become a well respected blogger in the community, then you must also mind your manners.

Two important No No's to avoid

  • After you have asked a blogger for a link, and you get no response. Do not ever ask them  again for the same link
  • Do not ever ask a blogger for a link if you have never started a relationship with them prior.

Three important well respected manners you must use upon asking for a  request.

  • Always use the word "PLEASE". This will get you a lot further then, if you do not use it
  • Always end your request with a "THANK YOU". People like this just as much as you do.
  • Always reciprocate a blogger. If he or she comments on your blog, then you do the same in return. You do not have to do it right away. But make sure you do it within a reasonable amount of time.
These are just some important points to keep in mind when asking for something nicely.


  1. This is a great article. It is all about having proper etiquette when presenting yourself and value to others in social media communities....

  2. Thank you Jacob for taking the time to read and comment on my blog. Value is very important when it comes to social marketing. Have a great day:)


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