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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Getting Your Blog Noticed

There are two things in the blogging community that powers a blog. The first one is the writer, and the second one is the community in which the blogs function. To make a blog very successful you must get involved within the Bloggers community. By accomplishing this, you must get involved with other bloggers that are already talking about your subject. This involvement leads to more links and more influential bloggers referring to you. If you want to be noticed, and become a respected blogger among'st the community of bloggers then do the following 3 things.

* Leave a forceful and meaningful comment on an influential blog.

* Use someone else's post in one of your posts. Then link to that other person's post in your post.

* Writing about something that is of high relevance to the current event's. People love to read content about what is actually happening in the world at the current time.

Blogging requires people to read your content. So getting involved in the blogging communities will help you in your blogging adventure.


  1. These are great suggestions Tim! I've been out of the blogging loop and looking forward to returning!

  2. Thank you Elise. Yes that would happen I have cut back in my posting to like 2 or 3 times a week instead if 6 times. I was wondering where u went. looking forward to your paintings:)

  3. Wow these foods are awesome! I used to be a baker now I am working from home selling import and export goods online, mostly candies and delicacies. Are you selling online too? Great post by the way.


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