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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Writing Posts

Pshew, ok we are done with talking about blogging. Not so fast! For the past few weeks we have talked about different types of blog platforms and setting up your RSS feed. Now we need to cover writing your first post.

For you to get noticed in the bloggers world you need to make your first post perfect. You want to come into the blogging scene as a superstar.

Since we know this will not happen, you want to have fun and make your blogging adventure stress free. I will give you a couple of tips for a first post.

Four key points to keep in mind when starting a first post in a blog.

* Always write from the heart. DO NOT AIM FOR PERFECTION. Just talk about the aspirations of the blog.

* Do not write a post talking about how you do not know what to write. Everybody knows that people have writers block. So you do not need to remind your readers.

* Write a first post that you can later in time look back on. This will remind you why this blog was started in the first place. Always create a time capsule.

* After writing the post, do publish it right away. Do not spend days on editing it. This will just burn you out and may keep you from writing as many times as possible. Live life and just get in there and get dirty.

Writing your first post is not to aim for perfection. It is about just getting it out there. If it is not perfect, that is okay. Blogging is about practice and improvement.


  1. I couldn't agree more Tim. The trick is DOING IT! Just write it and publish it. Anyone who had read any of my posts will know that I don't take a lot of time proofreading or editing them. I'm the Typo King, and proud of it. Just get it out there.

  2. Thanks Bill for your comment. Your comment's mean a lot to my blog. Have a great day!


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