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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Importance of Tracking Email Replies

ESP's cannot track your email replies. But when you receive an email reply, in the subject line you will see "RE:" but without the quotes. This will show that the email you had sent has been replied to. If there are excessive "RE's," then you know how many times people have replied to your emails.

Keeping track of replies in your email is not really useful. But what is useful is keeping track of qualitative information in your replies. This will help you for future complaints or problems somebody may have.

Two ideas you can use in tracking email replies.

* Keeping track of the particulars in the reply.

Was the email a complaint, suggestion, or an inquiry. Make sure to reply to the source. Keeping track of this information can help you in deciding if you should set up a link pertaining to those repeating questions.

* Always keep track of your responses.

This way you can address any other person's with the same complaint. Start a FAQ in your blog or web site. This will give peoples a place to go if they have any questions that may be answered in the FAQ's.

People go online to find answers for their problems. Having the answer's to their problems will definitely increase a relationship possibility.


  1. Email has become a major form of electronic communications. You can contact your employees and co workers via email from just about any place on earth that has an internet connection. Email has become so integrated with the business world to the point that it is no longer an option, it is a necessity. Thanks a lot.

  2. Yes email tracking that is correct. Email has totally changed the business world. People are more productive now. Thanks for your comment.


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