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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Link Building Widgets

Yesterday, I talked about using the full URL when building links to your pages. Today I will talk about another great approach in building links to your pages.

There are many different ways of building links to your pages. One of the many ways to do this is to give people a tool to put on there page. A very common tool now and days is called a "widget." Widgets are easy to use and are very powerful.

4 things widgets do to serve a purpose.

* Updated live headline information from another site.

* Your local weather.

* Telling the reader what your site is all about including social networks, pages, labels, etc.

* One I really like, playing video like you tube, vimeo, etc.

To use the video option in a widget. You will retain the widget-style code from the website like you tube. Place it into the html widget body, and then post. It's that easy.

Oh Yes, always include your link in your widget tool so, anybody who shares it will link back to your site.

This is just one of many ways to retain back links to your site. I have mentioned a few in the past, so feel free to browse my website and comment.


  1. Another useful link building tips, Tim, but I'm not sure I understand the kind of widgets to use for this.

  2. For exampe the Alexa toolbar. If you go to my website and scroll down a little bit you will see a widget that says get our toolbar. That toolbar is linked to my information. Thanks for the share.


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