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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Avoiding Information Overload

For the past week, I have been talking about how to group your feeds in to your choice of a feeder reader. Today, I will talk about how to overcome information overload.

You can easily get buried up to your neck in articles, posts and any other content you may acquire through your RSS feeder reader. You do not want your feeder to end up with hundreds and even thousands of articles that you are just overwhelmed. I will give you some tips to avoid information insanity.

3 rules to keep in mind to keep from getting information overload.

* Like I had talked earlier about organization, go through all your feeds and eliminate all the posts that have no interest. Do not read the rest unless you want to. Save it for later when you are ready to read. Make sure to keep these posts as unread. Even if you had already opened it to take a glance. Make sure to Tag it and file it away for later use.

* A lot of information will be obtained as you add more and more feeds to your reader. Do not think that you need to get on everyday and every second to read all this information. When you decide to go through your articles and you get to a point that there is just way to much information to review. You can just declare bankruptcy and delete everything in your reader. You may think that this is not a good idea because you may have missed something. If anything is really compelling, then you will see it later in future postings. Do not worry about missing anything.

* Do not keep any feed subscriptions that you never read. Make it a point to clean out your feed reader, at least once a month.

Keeping these 3 points in mind every time you are reviewing your feeds will make your reading a more enjoyable experience.


  1. I can really relate to being overloaded with information from my RSS reader - it is so sad how I subscribe to every single thing you could ever think of. Ha ha! But I make certain to spend time once week sorting everything out. There was a time I refused to look at my RSS until I realized I kind of needed it to keep sane and had to organize it.... it took a while to be quite honest.

  2. Thank you Gabriella for taking the time and leaving a comment. It can be overwhelming but do it right and it'll benefit you.

  3. We do Janet but it can be easily overcome. Thank you for the comment.

  4. Great post Tim..."Information Insanity" gave me a smile too!

  5. Thanks Marx! It really can be over whelming that is why you need tools.


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